Monday, March 12, 2012

If You Give Your Wife a Second Latte....

she's going to want to do a project with it.

She'll get all pumped up about organizing the garage and shoveling out the 'dump zone' it became as you moved in and she was 8 months pregnant and couldn't do anything about anything in an orderly fashion, so the response was, "Just put it here."

Then she's going to have her parents show up for a bit and get to chatting.

Then she's going to say, "Let's just tear down this wall."

Not. Kidding.


Can you see that dorky bar there????  There are no cupboards underneath there and frankly, this thing is a major cramp in the traffic flow of the kitchen/house so it's always been on the docket to take out.  Nothing like a Sunday afternoon at 4pm, hyped up on REALLY GOOD ESPRESSO w/ milk, and an idea to get a little project going.

My Sharpie and I got to drawing and I batted my eyelashes at my dear husband, who had that 'Really?'....'Now?' look on his face.  He's so cute - he even tried to lock me out of the house as I came back from his shop with power tools.

ANYWAY....never underestimate the power of love and strong coffee.


See that big ol' counter top standing vertically in front of the dishwasher?  That used to be attached.  Horizontally.  :)

"What's the big deal?", she says.

This is your wife on caffeine.   

"Mr. Hayes, tear down this wall."


"Hmmm...that's a little scarier looking than I thought it'd be.", she says under her breath hoping that no one gets hurt. 

Floor vent.  Ummmm......will fix that later.

Anger Management class for a 14 (and a HALF) year old.

Clean up.  I <3 Shop Vacs.


And...if you give your wife a new kitchen/eating area - she's going to work on rearranging the rest of the house to go with it.

My Alan loves me.  So much in fact, that he made me more coffee today.  I wonder what else I'll get done before he gets home from work. 

*For the record - no marriages were endangered in the making of this mess.  No children were harmed.  No yelling commenced, my hubby only suffered a few smashed digits, and no $ was spent.



  1. It's so much nicer and more open. Good idea!

  2. That's awesome! Makes your space look so much bigger. :) Can't wait to see what you do today. :) Happy Monday!

  3. "Yet..."


    Love it!

    :-) Christa

  4. This sounds familiar -

    "She'll get all pumped up about organizing the garage and shoveling out the 'dump zone' it became as you moved in and she was 8 months pregnant and couldn't do anything about anything in an orderly fashion, so the response was, "Just put it here.""

    Glad you're getting stuff accomplished. Glad I'm not having to knock out any walls. :)
