Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kitchen Updates w/ Photos....

I hope.  I've been having a fit with getting pics to upload onto here so here we go. 

Tried to find angles that were similar - which involved me digging through the old pics (remembered where those are thanks to recent picture presents for Christmas) then jumping up and taking a shot of the 'new'.  

 Above is looking in from the garage door (looking to the left).

 And to the right...


Last pic is the same angle believe it or not.  

All in all - we are 99% done. There's a little bit of trim work to be done on the floorboards, back splash, the curtains, and ceiling finish work but at least we have a fully functioning kitchen again.  I'd love to switch the door opening but we'll see about that.  

Of course, there are lots of glamor shots of all this that didn't make it into the finals.  Like these....

Sub floor replacement.  My Alan makes everything seem simple.  I was ready to sell the house and move at this point. 

I had left the house for some reason and he texted me these.  Egads....It was fixed by the time I got home. 

He's that good. 

The End.  :) 


  1. Looky there .... side by side before & after pics. :)

    I love your new kitchen!

  2. My dh is pure awesome like that, too. I'm always impressed.
    Your kitchen looks great!

  3. Faith, it's really lovely! I'm happy for you!

  4. Lovely kitchen! Well done you guys!!

  5. I don't think it's the same house. :)

  6. Oh these are lovely - all this and he makes coffee? ;)

  7. For some reason this link was in my phone... Look how much it's changed again!!
